NMC LFM North America Tropospheric Analyses
| DOI: 10.5065/136Q-MD24

This historical dataset is recommended for ancillary use only and not as a primary research dataset. It has likely been superseded by a newer, improved dataset.
This dataset contains the Limited Fine Mesh (LFM) model output from NCEP. The output contains initial time analyses and forecast fields from 6 hours out to 48 hours. These grids are no longer being produced by NCEP. The December, 1995 data is the last data we will archive from the LFM model.
Temporal Range:
1971-10-31 00:00 +0000 to 1996-01-02 12:00 +0000
(Entire dataset)
Period details by dataset product
Period details by dataset product
1977-09-01 00:00 +0000 to 1996-01-02 12:00 +0000 (Large Grids (Sep, 1977 - Dec, 1995))
1971-10-31 00:00 +0000 to 1977-09-02 12:00 +0000 (Small Grids (Oct, 1971 - Aug, 1977))
Air Temperature | Dew Point Temperature | Geopotential Height | Humidity |
Potential Temperature | Sea Level Pressure | Surface Pressure | Total Precipitable Water |
Upper Air Temperature | Upper Level Winds |
Data Contributors:
Meteorological Development Laboratory, Office of Science and Technology, National Weather Service, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
Total Volume:
15.62 GB
(Entire dataset)
Volume details by dataset product
Volume details by dataset product
Small Grids (Oct, 1971 - Aug, 1977): 978.09 MB
Large Grids (Sep, 1977 - Dec, 1995): 14.64 GB
Model Elevaton Grids: 0.01 MB
Data Formats:
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View a more detailed summary of the data, including specific date ranges and locations by parameter
Metadata Record:

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