ECMWF TOGA Global Advanced Operational Spectral Analysis, daily 1985-2010
| DOI: 10.5065/CGVQ-WP98

The RDA maintains a collection of outputs from ECMWF's daily operational global numerical model. Dataset ds111.0 contains geopotential, temperature, wind, and moisture fields on constant pressure levels, starting in 1985. The horizontal resolution of the DSS archive is T106 spectral resolution in spherical harmonics, however, in later years, the model is actually run at a much higher resolution (T511 as of 2001). All fields are output four times per day at 00Z, 06Z, 12Z and 18Z. This dataset is updated twice a year.
The surface data can be found in ds111.1 and the supplemental fields including radiation, stress and flux terms are in ds111.3. The model precipitation is archived in ds111.6. The ECMWF operational model output on the 2.5 degree latitude-longitude grid can be found in ds111.2.
Convergence | Geopotential Height | Humidity | Upper Air Temperature |
Upper Level Winds | Vertical Wind Velocity/Speed | Vorticity |