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ECMWF IFS High-Resolution Operational Forecasts

| DOI: 10.5065/D68050ZV

ECMWF has implemented a significant resolution upgrade and methodology for high-resolution forecasts (HRES) and ensemble forecasts (ENS) beginning January of 2016. HRES is now performed via a transform grid with a nominal grid point spacing of 9 kilometers (0.08 degrees), and is carried out with IFS (Integrated Forecast System). Improvements in computational efficiency and effective resolution have been brought about by implementing a triangular cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid in which the shortest spatial wavelength is represented by at least four grid points anywhere on the globe, as opposed to the former linear arrangement whereby the shortest wavelength was represented by two grid points, while at the same time retaining the same number of spherical harmonics and triangular truncation. (The term "cubic" is due to the ability of the grid to represent cubic products in the dynamical equations.) In addition, the reduction of grid points along latitude circles as one approaches the poles is achieved using a triangular to octahedral mapping which corresponds to a poleward reduction of four points per latitude circle and an optimization of the total number of grid points and their local mesh resolution. ECMWF has documented superior filtering properties at higher resolution, an improved representation of orography, improved global mass conservation properties, substantial efficiency gains, and more scalable locally compact computations of derivatives and other properties that depend on nearest-neighbor information only. More details may be found in the publications cited below.

NCAR's DECS is performing and supplying a grid transformed version of HRES IFS, in which variables originally represented as spectral coefficients or archived on a reduced Gaussian grid are transformed to a regular 5120 longitude by 2560 latitude N1280 Gaussian grid. In addition, DECS is also computing horizontal winds (u-component, v-component) from spectral vorticity and divergence where these are available.

Temporal Range:
2016-01-01 00:00 +0000 to 2025-03-09 00:00 +0000 (Entire dataset) Period details by dataset product
Access Restrictions:

There are no restrictions.

Usage Restrictions:

There are no restrictions.

Air Temperature Albedo Albedo Cloud Frequency
Convection Convergence Dew Point Temperature Evaporation
Geopotential Height Gravity Wave Heat Flux Humidity
Ice Extent Incoming Solar Radiation Longwave Radiation Maximum/Minimum Temperature
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Planetary Boundary Layer Height Precipitation Amount Runoff
Sea Level Pressure Sea Surface Temperature Shortwave Radiation Skin Temperature
Snow Snow Density Snow Depth Snow/Ice Temperature
Snow/Ice Temperature Snow Melt Soil Classification Soil Moisture/Water Content
Soil Temperature Sunshine Surface Pressure Surface Roughness
Surface Winds Terrain Elevation Total Precipitable Water Tropospheric Ozone
Upper Air Temperature Upper Level Winds Vegetation Cover Vegetation Species
Vertical Wind Velocity/Speed Vorticity Water Vapor Wind Stress
GRIB parameter table: HTML | XML
Vertical Levels:
See the detailed metadata for level information.
Data Types:
Spatial Coverage:
Longitude Range: Westernmost=180W Easternmost=180E
Latitude Range: Southernmost=89.946S Northernmost=89.946N Detailed coverage information
Data Contributors:
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Holm, E., R. Forbes, S. Lang, L. Magnusson, and S. Malardel, 2016: New model cycle brings higher resolution. Newsletter No. 147 - Spring 2016, ECMWF, 6 pp.
Malardel, S., N. Wedi, W. Deconinck, M. Diamantakis, C. Kuhnlein, G. Mozdzynski, M. Hamrud, and P. Smolarkiewicz, 2015: A new grid for the IFS. Newsletter No. 146 - Winter 2015/16, ECMWF, 6 pp.
Siemen, S., I. Russell, T. Quintino, and D. Varela Santoalla, 2015: Software updates in preparation for model cycle 41r2. Newsletter No. 146 - Winter 2015/16, ECMWF, 1 pp.
Total Volume:
244.2 TB (Entire dataset) Volume details by dataset product
Data Formats:
Related RDA Datasets:
ECMWF's Operational Model Analysis, starting in 2011
More Details:
View a more detailed summary of the data, including specific date ranges and locations by parameter
Metadata Record:
Data License:
Citation counts are compiled through information provided by publicly-accessible APIs according to the guidelines developed through the project. If journals do not provide citation information to these publicly-accessible services, then this citation information will not be included in RDA citation counts. Additionally citations that include dataset DOIs are the only types included in these counts, so legacy citations without DOIs, references found in publication acknowledgements, or references to a related publication that describes a dataset will not be included in these counts.