WHOI Upper Ocean Observations for Air-Sea Flux Estimates
| DOI: 10.5065/DM6T-YP63

The Upper Ocean Processes (UOP) Group at WHOI, through research projects, has deployed Air-Sea Interaction Meteorology (ASIMET) systems on moored buoys and volunteer observing ships. The ASIMET system is a suite of meteorological and sea surface sensors that are capable of measuring air temperature, specific humidity, sea surface temperature and conductivity, wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, shortwave radiation, longwave radiation, and precipitation. Many more details about the projects and online data access are provided at the UOP website.
Temporal Range:
1980 to 1997-06
Air Temperature | Humidity | Longwave Radiation | Sea Surface Temperature |
Shortwave Radiation | Surface Pressure | Surface Winds |
Data Types:
Platform Observation
Data Contributors:
Physical Oceanography Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Related Resources:
Total Volume:
234.17 MB
Data Formats:
ASCII (see dataset documentation), netCDF
Metadata Record:

Data License:

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