Mean hydrographic analyses of the North Atlantic, by Fukumori
| DOI: 10.5065/J1FZ-EW77

Hydrography analysis for the North Atlantic ocean including temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, and silicate. Based on data from 1981-1985.
Temporal Range:
1981 to 1985
Dissolved Gases | Dissolved Solids | Nitrate | Oxygen |
Phosphate | Salinity | Sea Surface Temperature | Silicate |
Water Temperature |
Vertical Levels:
-4500 m | -3250 m | -2000 m | -1200 m |
-700 m | -250 m | Ground or water surface |
Data Types:
Spatial Coverage:
Longitude Range: Westernmost=80W Easternmost=10W
Latitude Range: Southernmost=10S Northernmost=80N Detailed coverage information Detailed coverage information 1° x 1° from 80W to 10W and 10S to 80N (71 x 91 Longitude/Latitude)
Latitude Range: Southernmost=10S Northernmost=80N Detailed coverage information Detailed coverage information 1° x 1° from 80W to 10W and 10S to 80N (71 x 91 Longitude/Latitude)
Data Contributors:
Department of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fukumori, I., F. Martel and C. Wunsch, 1991: The hydrography of the North Atlantic in the early 1980s. An Atlas. Progress in Oceanography, 27, 1-110 (DOI: 10.1016/0079-6611(91)90014-D).
Total Volume:
18.05 MB
Data Formats:
ASCII (see dataset documentation)
Metadata Record:

Data License:

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