United Kingdom Climate Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies
| DOI: 10.5065/R7BW-CY73

This dataset contains model outputs from climate models that were run by the United Kingdom Met Office in 1986, 1990, and 1992.
The 1986 low-resolution equilibrium runs include a control (1xCO2) run and a 2xCO2 run, both at 48 by 36 global resolution. We received monthly 15-year climatologies of maximum, minimum, and mean surface temperature, surface wind speed, sea-level pressure, precipitation, incoming solar radiation, and boundary layer temperature and humidity from these runs.
The 1990 high-resolution equilibrium runs include a control run and an anomaly (2xCO2) run, both at 96 by 72 global resolution. From these runs, we received numerous parameters as a 10-year daily time series and as monthly, seasonal, and annual 10-year climatologies.
The 1992 75-year transient experiment includes a control run with CO2 set at 323 ppm and a 1% per year compounded CO2 increase run, both at 96 by 72 global resolution. We received 10-year climatologies of soil moisture, precipitation, surface temperature, and surface solar radiation for decades 1, 6, and 8.
Air Temperature | Boundary Layer Temperature | Cloud Base Height | Cloud Frequency |
Cloud Liquid Water/Ice | Evaporation | Evaporation | Geopotential Height |
Heat Flux | Heat Flux | Humidity | Incoming Solar Radiation |
Longwave Radiation | Maximum/Minimum Temperature | Outgoing Longwave Radiation | Planetary Boundary Layer Height |
Precipitation Amount | Runoff | Sea Level Pressure | Shortwave Radiation |
Snow | Snow Depth | Snow Melt | Soil Moisture/Water Content |
Soil Temperature | Surface Pressure | Wind Stress | Wind Stress |
Ground or water surface | 850 mbar | 700 mbar | 500 mbar |
250 mbar | 0.022 sigma | 0.089 sigma | 0.16 sigma |
0.23 sigma | 0.32 sigma | 0.44 sigma | 0.58 sigma |
0.72 sigma | 0.84 sigma | 0.94 sigma | 0.98 sigma |
0.99 sigma |
Latitude Range: Southernmost=90S Northernmost=90N Detailed coverage information Detailed coverage information 3.75° x 2.5° from 1.875E to 358.125E and 88.75N to 88.75S (96 x 72 Longitude/Latitude) 7.5° x 5° from 0E to 352.5E and 87.5N to 87.5S (48 x 36 Longitude/Latitude)