Dai and Trenberth Global River Flow and Continental Discharge Dataset
| DOI: 10.5065/D6V69H1T

This dataset contains time series of all available monthly river flow rates observed at the farthest downstream station for the world's largest 925 rivers, plus long-term mean river flow rates and continental discharge into the individual and global oceans, produced originally by Dai and Trenberth (2002, JHM) and Dai et al. (2009, Journal of Climate), and updated by Dai (2016, AGU Monograph 221) and Dai (2021, Climate Dynamics).
Temporal Range:
1900-01-01 00:00:00 to 2018-12-31 00:00:00
Discharge |
Data Types:
Platform Observation
Data Contributors:
Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, State University of New York, Albany
Related Resources:
Dai, A., 2021: Hydroclimatic trends during 1950–2018 over global land. Climate Dynamics, In Press (DOI: 10.1007/s00382-021-05684-1).
Dai, A., 2016: "Historical and future changes in streamflow and continental runoff: A review", in Terrestrial Water Cycle and Climate Change: Natural and Human-Induced Impacts, Geophysical Monograph 221. Ed. Qiuhong Tang and Taikan Oki, AGU, John Wiley & Sons, 17-37 (DOI: 10.1002/9781118971772).
Dai, A., T. Qian, K. E. Trenberth, and J. D Milliman, 2009: Changes in continental freshwater discharge from 1948-2004. J. Climate, 22, 2773-2791.
Dai, A., and K. E. Trenberth, 2002: Estimates of freshwater discharge from continents: Latitudinal and seasonal variations. J. Hydrometeorol., 3, 660-687.
Total Volume:
25.58 MB
Data Formats:
ASCII (see dataset documentation), netCDF
Metadata Record:

Data License:

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