ECMWF Joint Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) Nature Run
| DOI: 10.5065/PPHS-MX30

A broad group of US and international partners organized and agreed to have ECMWF compute a high resolution global gridded dataset that serves as a reference dataset for general and collaborative observing system simulation experiments (OSSE). This model output is termed "Nature Run", because it is intended to be a best representation possible of the true environmental conditions. The temporal and spatial resolution are sufficient so the data may be used as an experimental samples and validation data for planning future observing systems. It is especially valuable for assessing future satellite systems.
This data must not be used for commercial purposes and redistribution rights are not given. ECMWF and Joint OSSEs must be given credit in any publications in which this data is used. NCAR will track users and informed to ECMWF and Joint OSSE. If you are interested in using the data set it is necessary to send email with the statement below, and your name and affiliation to to Michiko Masutani (michiko.masutani@noaa.gov). Your name will be added to the user list and sent to ECMWF.
"I agree not to copy the ECMWF data or software provided by NCAR for the use of other people, and I agree not to use these data and/or software for commercial purposes. ECMWF will be given credit in any publications in which these data and/or software are used. I understand that if other people in the same organization wish to use these data and/or software, they must also sign a copy of this agreement. "
Air Temperature | Cloud Frequency | Cloud Liquid Water/Ice | Convergence |
Dew Point Temperature | Geopotential Height | Humidity | Hydrostatic Pressure |
Precipitation Amount | Sea Level Pressure | Skin Temperature | Snow Depth |
Streamfunctions | Surface Pressure | Surface Winds | Tropospheric Ozone |
Upper Air Temperature | Upper Level Winds | Vertical Wind Velocity/Speed | Vorticity |