CAM6 Prescribed SST AMIP Ensembles
| DOI: 10.26024/800d-nj44

Experiments using prescribed SST and ice forcing within CAM6 using the CESM2.
Note: The Tropical AMIP have a temporal range of 1880-2019, and the Global AMIP span 1880-2021.
Temporal Range:
1880-01 to 2019-12
Rain |
Data Types:
Data Contributors:
Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Related Resources:
Total Volume:
28.84 TB
(Entire dataset)
Volume details by dataset product
Volume details by dataset product
Global Land Daily Files: 1.27 TB
Tropical Land Daily Files: 230.1 GB
Tropical Atmospheric Daily Files: 5.99 TB
Tropical Atmospheric Monthly Files: 2.68 TB
Tropical Atmospheric 6-Hourly Files: 3.65 TB
Tropical Land Monthly Files: 329.09 GB
Global River Runoff Monthly Files: 2.72 GB
Global Atmospheric Daily Files: 6.24 TB
Global Land Monthly Files: 2.09 TB
Global Atmospheric Monthly Files: 2.72 TB
Global Atmospheric 6-Hourly Files: 3.59 TB
Tropical River Runoff Monthly Files: 42.47 GB
Data Formats:
Metadata Record:

Data License:

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