NSCAT Scatterometer Ocean Winds, Level 2
| DOI: 10.5065/T7RM-ZY65

NASA Scatterometer (NSCAT) global ocean surface winds are determined from sigma-naught backscatter. JPL has provided the data, and the satellite provided only a short archive (September 1996 to June 1997) before failure. The near surface wind speeds were determined with the NSCAT-1 model function.
Several forms of NSCAT data are available.
- Level 2B orbit swath data.
- 0.5-degree by 0.5-degree twice daily gridded fields, 75S to 75N.
- In July 1998 a collection of 11 CDROMs containing the Level 2 (50 km), Level 3 (daily average), and Level 2 (25 km) NSCAT were received and archived in the DSS CDROM collection. These CDROMs have a full collection of documentation, read access software, browse images, and ancillary information.
Temporal Range:
1996-09 to 1997-06
Surface Winds |
Vertical Levels:
Ground or water surface |
Data Types:
Data Contributors:
Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
Total Volume:
62.7 GB
(Entire dataset)
Volume details by dataset product
Volume details by dataset product
All NSCAT data derived using the first model function: 57.43 GB
===========================================================: 1.82 GB
===========================================================: 2.81 GB
.5 degree, 2x daily, 75N to 75S gridded fields from Wendy: 633.46 MB
Data Formats:
Binary (see dataset documentation), HDF4
Related RDA Datasets:
Metadata Record:

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